Baker Island - vertaling naar Engels
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Baker Island - vertaling naar Engels

Geography of Baker Island; Demographics of Baker Island; Government of Baker Island; Transportation in Baker Island; History of Baker Island; Baker Island/People; Baker Island/Geography; Baker Island/Government; Baker Island/Transportation; Baker Island National Wildlife Refuge; UM-81; New Nantucket; Baker Island/History; Baker I.; Baker Island Time; Phoebe Island
  • Orthographic projection over Baker Island.

Baker Island         
n. Isla Baker, atolón desértico localizado al norte del ecuador en el centro del océano Pacífico (alrededor de 1.600 millas {2.600 km.} al sudoeste de Honolulu y a medio camino entre Hawaii y Australia) que forma parte de las lejanas islas menores de Estados Unidos
James Baker         
  • ribbon bar
  • Deputy Chief of Staff]] [[Michael Deaver]] at the White House, December 2, 1981
  • Baker arriving in Kuwait, 1991
  • State Department]] Portrait of James Baker by [[Ned Bittinger]]
  • Robert McCormick Adams]] during a visit to Samuel P. Langley Theater at the [[National Air and Space Museum]] on January 15, 1992.
  • George H.W. Bush]] in the [[Oval Office]] of the [[White House]] on January 4, 1991.
  • Baker with President [[George H. W. Bush]] at a [[Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe]] (CSCE) on November 9, 1990
  • Chairman of the]] [[Federal Reserve Bank]] on June 2, 1987.
  • Secretary of the Treasury]] and the appointment of [[Donald Regan]] as [[White House Chief of Staff]] on January 8, 1985. A job-swap that both Baker and Regan agreed to swap with.
  • Baker arriving in [[Riyadh]], [[Saudi Arabia]], 2015
James Baker III; James A. Baker, III; James A. Baker III; James A. Baker; James Addison, III Baker; James Addison Baker III; Secretary James Baker; Secretary of State James Baker; Secretary Baker; James Addison Baker, III; Baker, James
James Baker (secretario de estado de EEUU en tiempo de Bush)
deserted island         
  • The abandoned lighthouse at [[Klein Curaçao]]
  • Robinson Crusoe in an 1887 German illustration
Uninhabited island; Desert Island; Uninhabited islands; Uninhabited Island; Desert islands; Desert isle; Deserted island; List of uninhabited islands; 🏝; Deserted islands; 🏝️
(n.) = isla desierta
Ex: Gilligan, Skipper and the rest of the crew were finally rescued fifteen years after shipwrecking on a mysterious deserted island.


·noun ·Alt. of Leukeness.


Baker Island

Baker Island, formerly known as New Nantucket, is an uninhabited atoll just north of the Equator in the central Pacific Ocean about 3,090 km (1,920 mi) southwest of Honolulu. The island lies almost halfway between Hawaii and Australia. Its nearest neighbor is Howland Island, 42 mi (68 km) to the north-northwest; both have been claimed as territories of the United States since 1857, though the United Kingdom considered them part of the British Empire between 1897 and 1936.

The island covers 2.1 km2 (0.81 sq mi), with 4.8 km (3.0 mi) of coastline. The climate is equatorial, with little rainfall, constant wind, and strong sunshine. The terrain is low-lying and sandy: a coral island surrounded by a narrow fringing reef with a depressed central area devoid of a lagoon with its highest point being 8 m (26 ft) above sea level.

The island now forms the Baker Island National Wildlife Refuge and is an unincorporated and unorganized territory of the U.S. which vouches for its defense. It is visited annually by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For statistical purposes, Baker is grouped with the United States Minor Outlying Islands. Baker Island and Howland Island are also the last pieces of land that experience the New Year (furthest behind time zone - UTC−12:00). Baker Island is one of the most remote U.S. equatorial possessions.